Away Games
Book tickets for a special rate to sit in a designated area behind our team bench at away games for travelling Eagles fans only.
Away game tickets will not appear in your box office account and will be sent directly to purchasers closer to the date of the game once they have been provided to us by the venue.
Only a limited number of tickets are available in our allocation. If these have sold-out then please email and the club can request more from the home club.
Eagles Women at Hatters (SLB Cup Semi-Final)
Friday 21 February at 19:30Canon Medical Arena
Super League Basketball Women's Cup Semi-Final
Eagles at Flyers
Friday 28 February at 19:30SGS College Arena
Super League Basketball Men's Championship
Eagles at Manchester
Sunday 2 March at 15:00National Basketball Performance Centre
Super League Basketball Men's Championship
Eagles at Riders
Friday 21 March at 19:30Mattioli Arena Leicester
Super League Basketball Men's Championship
Eagles at Sharks
Sunday 6 April at 16:00Canon Medical Arena
Super League Basketball Men's Championship
Eagles at Surrey 89ers
Saturday 19 April at 18:00Surrey Sports Park
Super League Basketball Men's Championship
Eagles at Phoenix
Sunday 27 April at 17:30Surrey Sports Park
Super League Basketball Men's Championship